In the planning stages of the competition, I didn't think that the decision itself would be that hard to make and I now find myself laughing at the complete ridiculousness of that thought because what I found when I opened each new email and each new letter that arrived, was that I became quite attatched to each and every story. At the same time I'm quite pleased about that as it meant that this competition was compleltely wide open as there was something about every single entry.
SO...what was I judging on when it came down to the story??
Honestly? I had no idea!!
There was no set check list that we used to judge entries, so when we were sat around the table after a reading session of the entries last night I looked disparingly at my mum...and she wisely said, go with your heart and how the story makes you feel and you'll know. So using that technique I finally cut it down to three, then two...
And that's when I became unbelievably stuck so I slept on it. I don't know what it was about those two entries, they weren't all that different to the other entries that we had received, but there was just something there that touched me completely, so there was a first and second place. If you are the couple in second place then you'll be receiving an email from me in about two minutes =)
So after all that I am absolutely delighted to say a BIG congratulations to....
Laura Magee and Andrew McClelland
I would be absolutely delighted to be a part of your Wedding day on 14th November 2009
A MASSIVE thanks to EVERYONE and their families who have contacted us this past week! You all have made my week and I thank you so much! xoxo
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