I spotted something truly lovely today that totally took me by surprise, yet it means a whole lot to me, and kind of verified to me that I'm doing that right thing.
Let me explain...
It matters very much to me that I am simply not 'the photographer' or 'the girl with the camera' at your wedding.
I'm Carly. Someone you've chatted away to through emails, over the phone or through text and who you've shared cups of tea with. You know me. I'm there mentally giving you the thumbs up throughout the day and experiencing the moment with you instead of watching the clock and wondering what I'm going to have for dinner. I aim to be a smiling faced friend at your wedding and someone who you feel utterly at ease with.
At least that was/is my hope.
I do question myself and I do walk away wondering, did I do okay today? Did I do the right thing? Did I make them comfortable? Was my photography good enough?
And today I found two photographs. Photographs I've easily overlooked because they were slightly blurry and didn't show anything too important - and yet now that I've found them they mean the world to me.
It's of two different couples on their wedding day, who have turned round to me and smiled. And it's not a smile to say, "Carly, are you doing your job?' Nope. These are 'Carly, can you believe it, I'm getting married!' smiles.
Genuine, lovely and 'you're here too sharing the moment' smiles.
Smiles to a friend.
You've made my day xox
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