Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fiona and Alex

I am so excited for Fiona and Alex's big day for a number of reasons...

1. I love their connection - they just make each other laugh so effortlessly

2. I love Fiona's style. She's given me some hints into the ideas and plans for their wedding day and it's gonna be a cracker! ;)

3. Alex is Scottish and he will be my first groom ever in a kilt!

4. The day we shot this it was an absolutely gorgeous, GORGEOUS day. So I took them to a pretty spot which also happened to be the most open to the elements location I could have picked and subsequently may have given them hypothermia by the chill of the wind... (oops) but they trusted and smiled throughout and for that they are - see 5

5. Awesome

See for yourselves :)
