My big sis surprised us all by going into labour two weeks early in the very very early hours of last Friday morning and by 7:37am Miss Evie was born. Sinead gave us all a wee fright by becoming unwell after the birth but I am now very delighted to report that Mother and Baby are doing just fab! These are some very quick snaps I took on Sunday...isn't she gorgeous?!
Big sister Darcey has been rather obsessed about the baby in her mummy's tummy for weeks now. Apparently Sinead was going to be giving birth to a pink and purple (all depending on Darcey's fav colour of the day!) baby called Eviedaisy! And it was 'Definiely NOT!' going to be a boy. Thankfully the baby arrived the right shade of pink and the name Evie stuck!
Darcey has taken the role of big sister and carer of the baby rather seriously and apparently tried to breast feed her yesterday after witnessing her Mum do it! We think Mummy and Daddy may have to keep a close eye on Darcey ;)
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