Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I'm back at my desk after a lovely long weekend that involved a St Patricks Day and a Mothers Day and some bits in between.

This weekend it really hit home how powerful a photograph can be and how much a simple snap shot in time can mean so much decades later.

My Nana is currently in hospital with a broken hip and last week while we were looking through old photos we came across a photo of my Nana and Papa on their wedding day. Mum asked if I was able to restore it which I did. A few days later it came back from the printers and it was just beautiful. Mum got a lovely frame and wrapped it so she could give it to my Nana on Mothers Day as a surprise. 

When we were going through the box of old photos we came across this one. An old photobooth photo taken of my Nana with my Mum.
As a surprise to my mum on Mothers Day I decided to restore it for her so that she could have something special at this tough time. 

Mum was delighted and when she also took it up to the hospital to show my Nana, my Nana was able to remember that it had been taken when Mum was just four years old on a day trip for just the two of them to Bangor. 

There was lots happening over the weekend and the impact of the photo didn't really hit me till Monday when Mum told me the story. One snapshot of a moment in time over 50 years ago that now holds so much more significance. 

Cherish your memories. The photo that you insist you're not getting into because you feel you're having a bad hair day or a fat day or 'I just don't want to get into this photo' day - get over yourself and get into them. Take photographs of your moments now. Make it happen. Because I promise you, that snapshot will mean so much more in years to come. Not just to you but to those that love you. 


Anonymous said...

Carly, you are so right, just get clicking to captire those special moments and as you say even on the bad hair days. i bet your Mum was overjoyed with this photo, it is lovely.
Kind Regards
Sandra Shortland

PS, we used to live near to you all on Warren Road, you are a great family and a credit to Betty & Trevor. XX

Carly said...

Thank you Sandra!! That was lovely to receive!! Hope you are keeping well!! xo