Friday, June 22, 2012

The morning I didn't regret

The one thing you may not know is the amount of hours a photographer will spend working at a computer on their own. There are many times I have wished that I had a desk job in an office that was surrounded by people just so it wouldn't feel half as lonely. In my rose tinted view of office life I would have the best conversations while still keeping up with my workload. I'd be surrounded by an amazing group of people that I would enjoying sharing my airspace with and we would share malteasers and giggle about our love lives while all being amazing at our jobs. Not to mention that the office would be the coolest looking office on the planet as well. Retro, with big windows, chalkboard walls and creative and fun. 

Does that sound like your office? Probably not. But in my head that's where I'd be when I feel lonely at my computer working into the late hours of the night.

This morning I woke up silly early after a crap nights sleep. My first thought was, I might as well do some work seeing as I'm up and I went down to my computer desk. The room was dark, gloomy and lonely. Without even thinking I switched the light back off, went back up stairs to the spare bedroom (the one room in the house you can get wifi from bed) and I got under two big double duvets. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep but I decided in my wisdom to watch a movie on netflix on my phone. And I have to say never have I been more grateful that I didn't have to be getting up silly early every day to commute in grey rainy weather to an office. Instead I spent a lovely 2hrs under a cosy cosy duvet and watched a beautiful film with quite a gorgeous Italian lead actor in it. (Mostly Martha - check it out!) And I resurfaced happy and ready to start my day and not minding so much that I would spend it on my own at my computer. Doing work that I love.

Lauren and Scott whose wedding I am doing 2 days after I return from Lake Garda reminded me that I had to come home and to not fall in love with some hunky Italian man and elope. Dear Lauren, if I come across a hunky man in Italy and fall madly in love with him and elope, I PROMISE I will still return in time for your wedding ;)

P.S Above image taken of said cosy bed with VSCO CAM - loving this camera app!