Monday, September 7, 2009

Andrew, Natasha and Riley

It amazes me that it's a very small world we live in.

I left school at 16, I kept in close contact with only a handful of the friends that I made there and over the next 10 years I made new ones. Amongst the new friendships that I made was Andrew, or Guppy as I'm used to calling him! Guppy was friends with the guys I grew up with on the same street and I instantly liked him when I first met him in the pub one night about 8(ish) years ago. Anyway a lot happens in 8 years. Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, new jobs come along and life gets in the way of catch ups down at the pub. But I'd start to hear conversations like 'Have you met Natasha yet?'

My reply probably would have been something like 'Natasha? Who's that?'
'Guppy's new girlfriend, she's really nice!'

Isn't it funny though that when you hear a name you instantly picture all the people you knew by that name?! (I refuse to believe I'm the only person that does this!) I'd only ever met one Natasha in my life and that was a girl I was in the same year of school with. We were in the same form class for a number of years and we shared the same classes. I never met Guppy's Natasha, but soon his girlfriend became his fiance, then his wife, and then the mother of his son, Riley.

I discovered that Natasha was also the exact same Natasha I had gone to school with =)

Small world...

I had the JOY of photographing these 3 a few weeks back. It was only natural that two gorgeous people would naturally produce a gorgeous baby and it's amazing to me that I knew you both before you knew each other.

Thank you for entrusting me to take these! I loved catching up with you both and to Natasha, your most recent emails have given me a giggle so we'll get that coffee catch up soon xox